Our Ethics Committee

The Direction Home Ethics Committee assists our organization, our employees, our community, and those we serve to navigate the gray areas of decision making, between right and wrong. The Committee provides a structure that systematically explores concerns in an unbiased way and provides recommendations for difficult decisions.

Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities (DHAD) believes that anyone involved in the care of an individual should be able to request a clinical ethics consultation whenever there is an ethical concern. 

Clinical ethics consultations are provided by the clinical ethics committee (EC) and incorporates four core objectives relative to the situations for which it is requested:

  1. To help identify, clarify, and foster an appreciation of relevant ethical values and goals
  2. To promote good communication and understanding of pertinent issues, alternatives, decisions, and likely outcomes
  3. To facilitate resolution of ethical conflicts, concerns, problems, or dilemmas
  4. To assist in cultivating an environment in which paying attention to ethical dimensions of healthcare is encouraged, supported, and expected


When should I contact the Ethics Team?
Contact the Ethics Team whenever you aren't sure which decision is the right one to make. This may be due to conflicting professional opinions, matters of possible incompetence, unclear directives, or other dilemmas.

Who is on the Ethics Team?
The Ethics Team is comprised of professional and licensed social workers, nurses, ombudsmen, and public health professionals.

What happens after ethics help is requested?
The Ethics Team will gather facts, ask questions and listen to you carefully and offer you options to consider.

Will an ethics consultation be confidential?
Yes. All discussions are confidential.

Is advice from an ethics consultation legally binding? 
No. The Ethics Team does not make legally binding decisions, they offer suggestions or recommendations. 

Is there a charge for an ethics consultation? 
All ethical help is free to you, your family and the staff at Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging and Disabilities.

To request a consultation from the Ethics Committee, please CLICK HERE.

Additional Services Provided by the Ethics Committee Review:

·        Member care policies that may create ethical concerns

·        Discuss member care issues and give advice when necessary

·        Provide ethical consultation

If you have a question or concern that may be related to an ethical issue. please contact the Ethics Team: ethicsreferral@dhad.org. All information will remain confidential unless required by law to prevent harm.