Do you need help finding the right long-term care services? Have you made a complaint about the quality of your care? Or, are you looking to volunteer? Direction Home Akron Canton's Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) program can help protect your consumer rights and ensure that you receive the best care possible. Our support services are free and available to all consumers receiving long-term care at home, in a nursing home or assisted living facility, or in an adult care home.

The LTCO can assist with:

Investigating Complaints and Concerns

The LTCO investigates complaints related to long-term care with a strong focus on resolving the concern to the consumer’s satisfaction. We utilize negotiation, mediation, education and advocacy. All investigations are confidential and the ombudsman only speak about the concern to others if given consent to do so.

Advocating for Quality of Life

The LTCO staff and volunteers participate in local and regional advocacy coalitions and work closely with long-term care providers to educate them on the need for high-quality care. However, some of our most important advocacy work is done in the home through persistent efforts to ensure residents’ choices are being honored on a day-to-day basis.

Assisting With Choices

The LTCO provides valuable information on long-term care facility (nursing home and assisted living) selection. We know how overwhelming this process can be, and we're here to help.

How to Contact a Long-Term Care Ombudsman

The LTCO staff is always ready to help with any question you may have. Call 800.421.7277 to talk to an Ombudsman or email us. You may a file a complaint about care and services by clicking the button below.

File a Complaint

Become a Volunteer Ombudsman

Our LTCO volunteers are a critical part of our program’s success. As a volunteer ombudsman, you’ll maintain a visible presence in long-term care facilities by visiting, talking with the residents and their families, observing conditions, and resolving complaints. We give our volunteers thorough training, including insight on resident rights, aging sensitivity and the long-term care system.

Apply Now

Additional Resources

Consumers and volunteers may also be interested in learning more about our MyCare Ohio Ombudsman program.

CLICK HERE for the Nursing Home & Assisted Living Residents' Bill of Rights.

CLICK HERE for information on more resources.

CLICK HERE for Frequently Asked Questions.

CLICK HERE to stay up-to-date on the Direction Home Ombudsman and Advocacy Facebook page.