Ohio will post for public comment proposed amendments to the PASSPORT
Medicaid Waiver and to the Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver, which will be
submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for review. The
period for public comment on the proposed PASSPORT and Assisted Living
Medicaid Waiver Amendments will begin on July 14, 2023.

The public comment period is a requirement under the January 16, 2014, CMS
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule (CMS 2249-
F/2296-F), which sets forth the actions Ohio will take to operate all applicable HCBS
programs in compliance with the final rule. States are required to give notice and to
provide a 30-day public comment period.

During the public comment period, ODA requests the following of the PASSPORT
Administrative Agencies (PAAs):

• In an area at the PAA where visitors are most likely to see them, print
and post both Public Notice and Request for Comment documents as
well as the Public Notice Summaries, all of which accompany this

• In order to provide public access to the proposed PASSPORT and Assisted
Living Amendments and to facilitate public comment, create a link from the
PAA website to the Ohio Department of Medicaid website page posting the
documents, located at the following:

• Please make hard copies of the PASSPORT and Assisted Living
Waiver Amendments available upon request.

• PAA Case Managers are encouraged to promote the opportunity to
provide public comments on the proposed Medicaid Waiver
amendments during their conversations with individuals served on the
Medicaid waivers, their family members, or anyone who might be

ODA values the input of individuals interested in or impacted by changes to ODA
Medicaid waivers, and appreciates the contribution by the PAAs to this important

Once the public comment period has concluded the PAA may remove the public notice
announcements and the link to the proposed PASSPORT and Assisted Living Waiver
Amendments from the PAA’s website.

NOTICE 0723895

DATE: July 14, 2023
TO: AAA Directors; AAA Public Information Officers; Ombudsman Directors; PASSPORT
Site Directors
FROM: Kimberley Dedino, Chief, Division for Community Living
RE: Public Comment Period on PASSPORT and Assisted Living Medicaid Waiver
CONTACT: Sarah Jones email: